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发布时间:2010-12-13    点击数:137

M06 论文集

M06/E70 Adorno,T. Essays on music California UP,2002 ISBN0520226720

M06/E71 Taruskin,R. Text and act: assays on music and performance Oxford UP,1995 ISBN0195094581

M23 西方音乐史

M23/E42-2 Salzman,E. Twentieth-Cntury Music Pearson,2002 ISBN0130959413

M23/E155 Whittall, A. Romantic Music Thames and Hudson,1987 ISBN050020215X

M23/E156 Perkins, L. Music in the age of the Renaissance Norton, 1999 ISBN0393046087

M23/E157 Plantiga, L. Romantic Music Norton, 1984 ISBN0393951960

M23/E158 Hoppin,R. Medieval Music Norton, 1978 ISBN0393090906

M23/E159 Downs,P. Classical music Norton, 1992 ISBN039395191X


M24 专史

M24/E103 Kirchner,B. The Oxford companion to Jazz Oxford UP, 2000 ISBN019512510X

M24/E107 Timbrell,C. French Pianism Amadeus Pr.,1999 ISBN157467045X

M24/E109 Anthony,J. French Baroque Music Amadeus Pr.,1997 ISBN1574670212

M24/E110 Ammer,C. Unsung: a history of women in American Music Amadeus Pr., 2001 ISBN1574670611

M24/E111 Touma,H. The Music of the Arabs Amadeus Pr.,1996 ISBN0931340888


M29 个人专题

M29/EB1-17       David, H. & Mendel, A. The New Bach Reader New York: Norton, 1999


M29/EB1-18 Wolff, C. Johann Sebastian Bach New York: Norton, 2000 ISBN 0393322564


M29/EB2-41  Kinderman, W. Beethoven Oxford UP, 1995 ISBN 019816680X

M29/EB2-43  Plantinga, L. Beethoven’s Concertos New York: Norton, 1999 ISBN 0393046915

M29/EB2-46 Lockwood,L. Beethoven studies in creative processs Harvard UP,1992 ISBN0674063627


M29/EB3-17 Rushton, J. The music of Berlioz Oxford UP, 2001 ISBN 0198167385


M29/EB4-16 Botstein, L. The Complete Brahms New York: Norton, 1999 ISBN 0393047083


M29/EB5-9  Stevens, H. The life and music of Bela Bartok Oxford UP, 1993 ISBN 0198163495


M29/EC1-20 Samson, J. Chopin Oxford UP, 1998 ISBN 0198167032


M29/ED2-7 Beckerman, M. New Worlds of Dvorak New York: Norton, 2003 ISBN 0393047067


M29/EH1-11 Hogwood, C. Handel New York: Thames and Hudson, 1984 ISBN0500274983


M29/EI1-10 Kirkpartrick, J. Charles E. Ives: memory New York: Norton, 1972 ISBN 0393307565


M29/EM10-7 Hill, P. The Messiaen Companion Amadeus Pr.,1994 ISBN 03931340950


M29/ER4-8 Noris, G. Rachmaninoff Oxford,1993 ISBN0198164882


M29/ES19-5 Orledge, R. Satie Remembered Amadeus Pr., 1995 ISBN 1574670018


M29/ET1-16 Brown, D. Tchaikovsky:the final years,1885-1893 New York: Norton, 1991 ISBN0393030997


M29/EV4-3 Talbot, M. Vivaldi Oxford UP,2000 ISBN0198164971



M06/107 临响乐品:韩锺恩音乐学研究文集,山东文艺出版社,2002

M06/117 音乐文化2000/中国艺术研究院音乐研究所,香港中文大学音乐系编,人民音乐出版社,2000

M06/118 黄翔鹏纪念文集/周沉等著,福建教育出版社,2001

M10/9 纪念中国艺术研究院音乐研究所建所40周年:音乐学文集/中国艺术研究院音乐研究所,山东友谊出版社,1994

M13/31 二十世纪音乐美学/王宁一等主编,现代出版社,2000(4卷)

M24/14 中国小提琴音乐/钱仁平,湖南文艺出版社,2001

M29/0-16-3 近世西洋十大音乐家故事/丰子恺,湖南文艺出版社,2001

M337/20 首届中国民间鼓吹乐学术研讨会论文集/乔建中等主编,山东友谊出版社,1999

M46/2 世界各国音乐院校名录/薛艺兵等编著,人民音乐出版社,1996

M51/44 现代乐理教程/童忠良,湖南文艺出版社,2003

M64/7 柴科夫斯基交响曲/彭志敏,湖南文艺出版社,2000

M64/8 肖斯塔科维奇交响曲/钱仁平,湖南文艺出版社,2000

M75/42 钢琴学习指南/魏廷格,人民音乐出版社,1997

M82/19 中国锣鼓/乔建中主编,山西教育出版社,2002

M91/5-1-2 音乐知识十八讲/丰子恺,湖南文艺出版社,2000

37/52-60 王莉莉二胡选编曲系列,湖南文艺出版社,2002

38/42 笛子独奏曲精选/康涛编著,湖南文艺出版社,2003

535.2/18 女声合唱曲歌曲集(综合卷)/陈国权选编,昏暗文艺出版社,2002

535.2/19 女声合唱曲集(中国卷)/陈国权选编,湖南文艺出版社,2002

63/176 雷格泰姆钢琴曲集/朱坚坚编湖南文艺出版社,2003

68/23 手风琴练习曲集/李未明编著,湖南文艺出版社

96/13 实战爵士鼓/丁麟,湖南文艺出版社,2002

971/65 弦外知音/华育棠编著,湖南文艺出版社,2002

981/6 口琴演奏曲精选/周张庆编著,湖南文艺出版社,2003


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