发布时间:2010-12-13 点击数:117
正题名 | 责任者 | 出版者 |
Coaching the Artist Within:Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists | Maisel,Eric | New World Library |
Letters To A Young Actor: A Universal Guide to Performance | Brustein,Robert | Basic Books |
The Alexander Technique | Alexander,F. Matthias | Lyle Stuart |
The Back Stage Actor's Handbook | Eaker Sherry | Back stage Books |
The Actor Speaks: Voice and the Performer | Rodenburg,Patsy | Palgrave macmillan |
The American Musical:History and Development | Riddle,Peter H | Mosaic Press |
Three Uses of the Knife | Mamet,David | Columbia UP |
True and False:Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor | Mamet,David | Vintage Books |
From Assassins to West Side Story:The Director's Guide to Musical Theatre | Miller,Scott | Heinemann |
A Life in the Theatre | Mamet,David | Grove Press |
A Challenge for the Actor | Hagen,Uta | Scribner |
Brecht on Theatre: The Development of and Aesthetic | Willett,John | Hill and Wang |
What the Music Said:Black Popular Music and Black Public Culture | Neal,Mark Anthony | Routledge |
The Intent To Live:Achieving Your Full Potential As An Actor | Moss,Larry | Bantam Books |
The Stanislavski System: The Professional Training of an Actor Digested from the Teachings of Konsta | Moore,Sonia | Penguin Books |
The Articulate Body:The Physical Training of the Actor( UK Edition) | Dennis, Anne | Nick Hern Books |
Actions: The Actors'Thesaurus | Caldarone,Marina | Nick Hern Book |
Laban for Actors and Dancers: Putting Laban's Movement Theory Into Practice- | Newlove, Jean | Nick Hern Books |
The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming | Florida,Richard | Basic Books |
Creative Arts Marketing | Elizabeth Hill, Terry | ButterworthHeinemann |
Creative Industries: Contracts between Art and Commerce | Richard E. Caves | Harvard UP |
Musical Networks | Griffith,Niall | MIT Press |
The Music Machine | Roads,Curtis | MIT Press |
Understanding Music with AI | Balaban, Mira | MIT Press |
Digital Mantras | Holtzman, Steven | MIT Press |
Composing Interactive Music | Winkler,Todd | MIT Press |
The Computer Music Tutorial | Roads, Curtis | MIT Press |
The Csound Book | Boulanger, Richard | MIT Press |
Microsound | Roads, Curtis | MIT Press |
The Virtual Score | Hewlett, Walter | MIT Press |
Music,Cognition and Computerized Sound | Cook, Perry | MIT Press |
Noise,Water,Meat | Kahn,Douglas | MIT Press |
Music and Memory | Snyder,Bob | MIT Press |
The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures | Temperley | MIT Press |
The Digital Dialectic | Lunenfeld,Peter | MIT Press |
Machine Models of Music | Schwanauer,Stephan | MIT Press |
Representation of Musical Signals | Poli,Giovanni | MIT Press |
Virtual Music | Cope, David | MIT Press |
Wireless Imagination | Kahn, Douglas | MIT Press |
Machine Musicianship | Rowe, Robert | MIT Press |
Rhythm Science | Miller, Pauld | MIT Press |
The Melody Lingers On | Hemming, Roy | Newmarket Press |
Spatial Audio | Rumsey,Francis | Focal Press |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics | Howard,David | Focal Press |
The Score | Schelle,Michael | Silman-James Press |
Music for the Movies(2nd Ed.) | Thomas,Tony | Silman-James Press |
The Invisible Art of Film Music | MacDonald,Lawrence E | Ardsley House Pub |
On Record:Rock,Pop and the Written Word | Frith,Simon | Pantheon |
Back to Basics Audio | Nathan,Julian | Newnes |
Dancing In Distraction Factory:Music Television And Popular Culture | Goodwin,Andrew | Minnesota UP |
Jammin`at the Margins | Gabbard,Krin | Chicago UP |
Did They Mention The Music | Mancini,Henry | Cooper Square Press |
Complete Guide to Film Scoring | Davis,Richard | Berklee Press |
Audio-Vision:Sound on Screen | Chion,Michel | Columbia UP |
Film Music(2nd Ed.) | Prendergast,Roy M | Norton |
Twenty Four Frames Under | Lack,Russell | Quartet Books |
Ear Training for the Body: A Dancer's Guide to Music | Teck, Katherine | Princeton Book Company |
Pedagogy of Freedom | Freire,Paulo | Rowman & Littlefield |
Multiple Intelligences:The Theory in Practice | Gardner, Howard | Basic Books |
Intelligence reframed | Gardner,Howard | Basic Books |
Teaching Music Musically | Swanwick,Keith | Rotuledge |
Education and Power(2nd edition) | Apple, M. W | Routledge |
Making Good:How Young People Cope with Moral Dilemmas at Work | Fischman,Wency & Solomon,Becca | Harvard UP |
Philosophy in a new key:A study in the symbolism of reason, rite and art | Langer,Susanne K | Harvard University Press |
The Disciplined Mind,:Beyond Facts Standardized Tests K 12 educ that Every Child Deserves | Gardner,Howard | Penguin |
Music matters: A new philosophy of music education | Elliott,David, J | Oxford UP |
The politics of education | Freire,Paulo | Bergin&Garvey |
The World's Best Piano | Tatum,Art | Warner Bros.Pub |
Men and the Language of Emotions | Galasinski,Dariusz | Palgrave |
Nervous Acts | George S. Rousseau | Palgrave |
The Demise of Marxism-Leninism in Russia | Brown,Archie | Palgrave |
Songs with Piano | Berlioz,Hector | Barenreiter |
Kammermusik /Serie VIII | Mozart,W.A | Barenreiter |
Geistliche Gesangswerke /Serie I | Mozart,W.A | Barenreiter |
Music Therapy in Context | Pavlicevic,Mercedes | JKP |
MGG 13 | Finscher,Ludwig | Barenreiter |