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发布时间:2011-06-03    点击数:121

J609.92/I1-2 life of Charles Ives Stuart Feder Cambridge University Pre
J609.92/I1-3 Charles Ives and his world edited by J. Peter Burkholder Princeton University Pre
J609.92/I1-4 Charles Ives Gayle Sherwood Magee Routledge
J609.92/J1 Janacek beyond the Borders Katz,Derek University of Rochester
J609.92/J1-2 Janacek and his world edited by Michael Beckerman Princeton University Pre
J609.92/K1 Kiss kompendium Simmons,Gene Harper Collins Pub
J609.92/K2 Hip-hop revolution in the flesh Greg Thomas Palgrave Macmillan
J609.92/K3 Leon Kirchner Robert Riggs University of Rochester
J609.92/L1 Revolution and religion in the music of Liszt Merrick,Paul Cambridge UP
J609.92/L1-2.1 Franz Liszt Walker,Alan Knofp
J609.92/L1-2.2 Franz Liszt Alan Walker Knopf
J609.92/L1-2.3 Franz Liszt Walker,Alan Cornell University Pr
J609.92/L2 Jean-Baptiste Lully and the music of the French Baroque:essays in Honor of James R.Anthony Heyer,John Hajdu Cambridge University Pr
J609.92/L2-2 Lully studies ed.by Heyer,John Hajdu Cambridge University Pr
J609.92/L3 Lutoslawski and his music Stucky,Steven Cambridge
J609.92/L4 Gyorgy Ligeti Toop,Richard Phaidon Pr
J609.92/L5 Lennon companion edited by Elizabeth Thomson and David Gu Schirmer Books
J609.92/M1 Mozart Deutsch,Otto E Stanford University Pr
J609.92/M10 Reading Mahler Carl Niekerk Camden House
J609.92/M10-2 Gustav Mahler edited by Henry-Louis de La Grange and G Cornell University Press
J609.92/M10-3 Gustav Mahler Alfred Mathis-Rosenzweig ; translation, Ashgate
J609.92/M1-2 Mozart's symphonies Zaslaw,Neal Clarendon Pr
J609.92/M1-3 Mozart:the golden years,1781-1791 Landon,H.C.Robbins Thames and Hudson
J609.92/M1-4 Mozart:his character,his work Einstein,Alferd Oxford University Pr
J609.92/M1-5 A companion to Mozart's piano concertos Hutchings,Arthur Oxford University Pr
J609.92/M1-6 Mozart-Da Ponte operas Andrew Steptoe Clarendon Press
J609.92/M1-7 Mozart's piano concertos edited by Neal Zaslaw University of Michigan P
J609.92/M2 The music of Donald Martino Kizas,Andrew J VDM
J609.92/M3 The Reinvention of religious music:Olivier Messiaen's Breakthrough toward the beyond Van Maas,Sander Fordham University Pr
J609.92/M3-2 Messiaen companion edited by Peter Hill Faber and Faber
J609.92/M3-3 Messiaen Robert Sherlaw Johnson University of California
J609.92/M3-4 Messaien's [sic] explorations of love and death by Siglind Bruhn Pendragon Press
J609.92/M3-5 Messiaen's interpretations of holiness and Trinity by Siglind Bruhn Pendragon Press
J609.92/M4 Lee Morgan:his life,music and culture Perchard,Tom Equinox Publishing
J609.92/M5 The price of Assimilation Sposato,Jeffrey S Oxford UP
J609.92/M5-2 life of Mendelssohn Peter Mercer-Taylor Cambridge University Pre
J609.92/M5-3 Mendelssohn and his world edited by R. Larry Todd Princeton University Pre
J609.92/M5-4 Mendelssohn family, (1729-1847) from letters and journals by Sebastian Hensel. With eight portrait Harper & brothers
J609.92/M6 letters of Claudio Monteverdi translated and introduced by Denis Steve Clarendon Press
J609.92/M6-2 Monteverdi's last operas Ellen Rosand University of California
J609.92/M7 Morrissey Gavin Hopps Continuum
J609.92/M8 life of Musorgsky Caryl Emerson Cambridge University Pre
J609.92/M9 Marianna Martines Irving Godt ; edited with contributions University of Rochester
J609.92/N1.4 Carl Nielsen Studies ed.by David Fanning…[et.al] Ashgate
J609.92/N2 Nietzsche and music Georges Liebert ; translated by David Pe University of Chicago Pr
J609.92/O1 Born for the Muses Wegman,Rob C Clarendon Pr
J609.92/P1 The Puccini companion ed.by William Weaver,Simonetta Puccini Norton
J609.92/P1-2 Puccini Mary Jane Phillips-Matz Northeastern University
J609.92/P1-3 Giacomo Puccini by Conrad Wilson Phaidon
J609.92/P1-4 Puccini Young,John Bell Amadeus Pr

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