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发布时间:2011-06-03    点击数:144

J617.6/B879 Overtones and Undertones Brown,Royal S AFTRS Pub
J617.6/B961 Sound and Vision Burlingame,Jon Michigan
J617.6/K18 Listening to Movies Karlin,Fred New York
J617.6/L665 The Dramaturgy of Disavowal Levin,David J Princeton UP
J617.6/M345 Music and the Silent Film Marks,Martin Miller Oxford UP
J617.6/R755 The Reel World Rona,Jeff Miller Freeman
J617.6/S657 The Sounds of Commerce Smith,Jeff Columbia UP
J617.69/D1 The BBC and ultra-modern music,1922-1936 Doctor,J Cambridge UP
J619.1/B1 Sectets of Recording:professional tips,tools & techniques Bregitzer,Lorne Elsevier
J619.3/H1 Home studio setup:everything you need to know from equipment to acoustics Harris,Ben Focal Pr
J619/A1 Song sheets to software Elizabeth C. Axford Scarecrow Press
J620.7/M1 social and religious designs of J.S. Bach's Brandenburg concertos Michael Marissen Princeton University Pre
J620.7/M2 Two-dimensional sonata form Steven Vande Moortele Leuven
J620.7/S1 Gershwin: Rhapsody in blue David Schiff Cambridge University Pre
J620.7/W1 Schoenberg chamber music   University of Washington
J620.9/P1 German instrumental music of the late Middle Ages Keith Polk Cambridge University Pre
J621.1/L1 techniques of flute playing Carin Levine, Christina Mitropoulos-Bott Barenreiter
J621.1/R1 On Playing the flute Quantz,Johann Joachim Northeastern University
J621.3/L1 Essential Elements 2000 Lautzenheiser,Tim.,…[et.al] Hal·Leonard Co
J621.3/S1 Oboe art and method Martin Schuring Oxford University Press
J621.49/R1 From the Clarinet D'amour to the contra Bass:a history of the large size clarinets,1740-1860 Rice,Albert R Oxford University Pr
J622.07/J1 Intimate Voices:the twentieth-Century string quartet ed.by Jones,Evan Boydell & Brewer
J622.17/P1 Berg, Violin concerto Anthony Pople Cambridge University Pre
J622.19/B1 the History of violin playing from its origins to 1761 Boyden,David D Clarendon Pr
J622.19/H1 Four and Twenty Fiddlers Holman,Peter Clarendon Pr
J622.19/W1 The early history of the vol 1 Woodfield,Ian Cambridge Univ. Pr
J622.19/W2 Cremona Violins:A Physicist's Quest for the Secrets of Stradivari Wali,Kameshwar C World Scientific Publish
J622-7/P1 String quartets Mara E. Parker Routledge
J623/U1 Na Kytaru Bez Not Urban,Stepan Panton
J624.1/S1 Berklee Jazz Piano Santisi,Ray Berklee Pr
J624.1-7/C1 Piano pedagogy Gilles Comeau ; contributors, Nisreen Ja Routledge
J624.17/R1 Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Rosen,Charles Yale UP
J625/S1 How to write for percussion Samuel Z. Solomon SZSolomon
J627.17/B1 Bach:The Brandenburg Concertos Boyd,Malcolm Cambridge University Pr
J627.17/J1 The symphonic poems of Franz Liszt Johns,Keith T Pendragon Pr
J627.17/J2 Hecate Nocturne,for large orchestra Johnson,Stephen VDM
J627.17/S1 Mozart:The 'Jupiter'symphony No.41 in C major,K.551 Sisman,Elaine R Cambridge University Pr
J627.19/S1 The sound of Broadway music:a book of orchestrators and orchestrations Suskin,Steven Oxford University Pr
J627.47/R1 For the end of time Rebecca Rischin Cornell University Press
J627.7/W1 characteristic symphony in the age of Haydn and Beethoven Richard Will Cambridge University Pre
J627.7/W2 Strauss :Also Sprach Zarathustra Williamson,John Cambridge
J627-7/L1 The Concerto: A Research and Information Guide Lindeman,Stephan D New York
J628/C1 Electric sound Joel Chadabe Prentice Hall
J6-4/D1 Sedmihlasek Daniel,Ladislav Panton
J6-4/D1-2 Sedmihlasek Daniel,Ladislav Panton
J6-4/D1-3 Slavik Daniel,Ladislav Panton
J6-4/D1-4 Slavik Daniel,Ladislav Panton
J652.1/A0-1 Twilight   Hal·Leonard Co
J652.1/A0-10 Classic Jazz Ballads Arranged and produced by Mark Taylor Hal·Leonard Co
J652.1/A0-11 Bossa Nova Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor Hal·Leonard Co

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